EUB-2025 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century"

EUB-2025 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century" - Ecological University of Bucharest

31 March - 4 April 2025, Bucharest

Conference Sections

04.April.2025 - 10:00 - Responsabilitatea societală și obligația de diligență a întreprinderilor în materie de durabilitate. Probleme ale transpunerii în dreptul român a Directivei (UE) 2024/1760 - Faculty of Law
03.April.2025 - 09:00 - Biodiversity in the Ecological Transition - Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection
02.April.2025 - 10:00 - Artificial Intelligence and Economic Education: Building Capacities for Sustainable Development - Faculty of Financial Management
Actualities and perspectives of physical education and sport sciences - Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
01.April.2025 - 11:00 - Social Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence. How Educational Are Social Platforms? - Faculty of Communication Sciences
04.April.2025 - 10:00 - Psychology in the Digital Age - Challenges and Opportunities - Faculty of Psihology
31.March.2025 - 12:00 - Streamlining Resource Consumption through Engineering Methods - Faculty of Management Engineering
The Impact of Social Media on Education: Opportunities and Challenges - Department of Psychopedagogical Training

EUB2025 International Conference is organized as an on site event with facilities of online participation.

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the 13th International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference (EUB 2025), which will will be held on from 31 March to 4 of April 2025 as an on site event event, with facilities of online participation, using ZOOM platform, with the organizer from Bucharest, Romania.
Over the past 35 years, The Ecological University of Bucharest has been in the ecological and higher education service, as the first private institution of higher education in Romania, founded on the 4th of April 1990 and the only one with an ecological profile in the country.
The main purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, professors and students from universities and research institutes to disseminate the original research findings that concentrate on both theory and practice, to exchange ideas and start new challenges. The "Ecology of XXI Century" started as an international multidisciplinary academic conference in 2013.
The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.
The conference languages will be English and Romanian.

The selected research proposals/papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding Volume "Ecology of XXI Century" with ISSN.
The selected research proposals/papers from economics could be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (

Online conference access

The conference will be held on site, with facilities of online participation, hosted on Zoom platform, enabled by the organizer Ecological University of Bucharest.
Each presenter will do the presentation from their own computer (or other suitable device), while sharing their screen and talking, then discussing with the participants. At the presenter request, the Chair of the respective section could share the presentation. The sessions could be recorded.
The conference program, with the timetable of the presentations, will be available on this site after the conference registration period.
Please make sure that your laptop/computer/tablet/phone has a reliable Internet connection and a functioning microphone.

Colaborare stiintifica romano-franceza in domeniul dreptului urbanismului CCTED – GRIDAUH

Vineri, 20 septembrie 2024, prof. univ. dr. Mircea Dutu, Presedintele UEB, directorul Centrului de Cercetari Transdisciplinare privind Tranzitia Ecologica si Digitala (CCTED) din cadrul UEB s-a întâlnit cu prof. Norbert Foulquier, director, si cu prof. Frederic Rolin, director științific, din cadrul Groupement de Recherche sur le Institutions et le Droit de l’Aménagement, de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat (GRIDAUH), entitate publică de cercetare științifică în domeniu aferentă Universității Paris I – Pantheon – Sorbona.

Cu aceasta ocazie s-au discutat probleme ale dezvoltarii relatiilor de colaborare intre cele două unitati de cercetare stiintifica universitara in domeniul dreptului si instituțiilor amenajarii teritoriului, habitatului si urbanismului din perspectiva prioritatilor actuale.

In acest context s-au identificat posibilitati de initiere si dezvoltare a unor proiecte comune privind, in special, transpunerea dreptului UE privind tranzitia ecoclimatica si organizarea aplicarii viitorului Cod roman al amenajării teritoriului, urbanismului si constructiilor.

De asemenea, s-au evocat aspecte legate de valorificarea rezultatelor cercetarilor stiintifice pertinente si implicarea reprezentantilor celor două parti in activitatea Asociatiei Internationale de Dreptul Urbanismului (AIDRU).

EUB-2024 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century"

EUB-2024 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century" - Ecological University of Bucharest

1 - 5 April 2024, Bucharest

EUB2024 International Conference is organized as an on site event with facilities of online participation.

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the 12th International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference (EUB 2024), which will will be held on from 1 to 5 of April 2024 as an on site event event, with facilities of online participation, using ZOOM platform, with the organizer from Bucharest, Romania.
Over the past 34 years, The Ecological University of Bucharest has been in the ecological and higher education service, as the first private institution of higher education in Romania, founded on the 4th of April 1990 and the only one with an ecological profile in the country.
The main purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, professors and students from universities and research institutes to disseminate the original research findings that concentrate on both theory and practice, to exchange ideas and start new challenges. The "Ecology of XXI Century" started as an international multidisciplinary academic conference in 2013.
The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.
The conference languages will be English and Romanian.

The selected research proposals/papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding Volume "Ecology of XXI Century" with ISSN.
The selected research proposals/papers from economics could be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (

Online conference access

The conference will be held on site, with facilities of online participation, hosted on Zoom platform, enabled by the organizer Ecological University of Bucharest.
Each presenter will do the presentation from their own computer (or other suitable device), while sharing their screen and talking, then discussing with the participants. At the presenter request, the Chair of the respective section could share the presentation. The sessions could be recorded.
The conference program, with the timetable of the presentations, will be available on this site after the conference registration period.
Please make sure that your laptop/computer/tablet/phone has a reliable Internet connection and a functioning microphone.

Call for Papers

Interested participants are invited to submit research papers. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected to a double blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s). All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published and they must not be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Conference Sections

Economic Resilience to Global Climate Challenge - Faculty of Financial Management
Actualities and perspectives of physical education and sport sciences - Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Engineering of green and unconventional technologies - Faculty of Management Engineering
Education in the digital era: developments and challenges - Department of Psychopedagogical Training
TOWARDS A RIGHT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Premisses. Actualities. Perspectives. - Faculty of Law
Digital Communication and New Media. Trends and discourses upon climate change - Faculty of Communication Sciences
Biodiversity in ecological transition - Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection
ECO-PSY 2024 - Faculty of Psihology

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission: 20 March 2024 (in the same time with registration)
Notification of acceptance: 27 March 2024
Presentation Submission (PDF/PPT): 30 March 2024 (by eMail:
Full Paper Submission: 31 May 2024 (by eMail:

Registration & Abstract Submission

Please register through this form, as participant (with presentation) or simple participant (without presentation).

Final Paper Submission:

      1. The final paper must be submitted until 31st of May 2023, using the template form provided. Final papers will be written in English. The total length of the paper should not exceed 15 pages.
      2. The template form of the Final Paper is available here: DOC (70k)

Publication Fees

No fee for the conference.
At participant's request, there is 60 lei (RON) fee or 15 Euro for EUB-2023 per Conference Proceedings Volume with ISSN or Journal with ISSN.
Each author can submit no more than two papers.

Bd.Vasile Milea nr.1G, Corp A - Sala 1.05, Sector 6, 061341, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 21 316 79 32 Fax: +40 21 316 63 37

EUB-2023 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century - The ecological transition and its challenges"

EUB-2023 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century - The ecological transition and its challenges" - Ecological University of Bucharest

04 - 07 April 2023, Bucharest

EUB2023 International Conference is organized as an HYBRID event.

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the 11th International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference (EUB 2023), which will will be held on from 04 to 07 of April 2023 as an Online event, using ZOOM platform, with the organizer from Bucharest, Romania.
Over the past 33 years, The Ecological University of Bucharest has been in the ecological and higher education service, as the first private institution of higher education in Romania, founded on the 4th of April 1990 and the only one with an ecological profile in the country.
The main purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, professors and students from universities and research institutes to disseminate the original research findings that concentrate on both theory and practice, to exchange ideas and start new challenges. The "Ecology of XXI Century" started as an international multidisciplinary academic conference in 2013.
The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.
The conference languages will be English and Romanian.

The selected research proposals/papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding Volume "Ecology of XXI Century" with ISSN.
The selected research proposals/papers from economics could be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (

Online conference access

The conference will be held hybrid, face-to-face and online, hosted on Zoom Meetings/Google Teams, enabled by the organizer Ecological University of Bucharest.
Each presenter will do the presentation from their own computer (or other suitable device), while sharing their screen and talking, then discussing with the participants. At the presenter request, the Chair of the respective section could share the presentation. The meetings could be recorded.
The conference program, with the timetable of the presentations, will be available on this site after the conference registration period.
Please make sure that your laptop/computer/tablet/phone has a reliable Internet connection and a functioning microphone.

Call for Papers

Interested participants are invited to submit research papers. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected to a double blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s). All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published and they must not be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Conference Sections

Environmentalism: political and legal doctrine of the XXI Century
Conservation of natural and cultural heritage
Sustainable recovery and resilience of the Romanian economy in a global context
Unconventional Energy Sources Utilization
ECO-PSY 2023 - The psychological support of the population involved in co-creating changes in society's transformation for resilience to climate change
Ways to raise awareness of climate issues, identified in the Romanian media
Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission: 01 April 2023 (in the same time with registration)
Notification of acceptance: 03 April 2023
Presentation Submission (PDF/PPT): 04 April 2023 (by eMail:
Full Paper Submission: 31 May 2023 (by eMail:

Registration & Abstract Submission

Please register through this form, as participant (with presentation) or simple participant (without presentation).

Final Paper Submission:

      1. The final paper must be submitted until 31st of May 2023, using the template form provided. Final papers will be written in English. The total length of the paper should not exceed 15 pages.
      2. The template form of the Final Paper is available here: DOC (70k)

Publication Fees

No fee for the conference.
At participant's request, there is 60 lei (RON) fee or 15 Euro for EUB-2023 per Conference Proceedings Volume with ISSN or Journal with ISSN.
Each author can submit no more than two papers.

Bd.Vasile Milea nr.1G, Corp A - Sala 1.05, Sector 6, 061341, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 21 316 79 32 Fax: +40 21 316 63 37

EUB-2022 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century - Only One Earth"

EUB-2022 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century - Only One Earth" - Ecological University of Bucharest

04 - 08 April 2022, Bucharest

Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, EUB2022 International Conference is organized as an ONLINE event.

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the 10th International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference (EUB 2022), which will will be held on from 04 to 08 of April 2022 as an Online event, using ZOOM platform, with the organizer from Bucharest, Romania.
Over the past 32 years, The Ecological University of Bucharest has been in the ecological and higher education service, as the first private institution of higher education in Romania, founded on the 4th of April 1990 and the only one with an ecological profile in the country.
The main purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, professors and students from universities and research institutes to disseminate the original research findings that concentrate on both theory and practice, to exchange ideas and start new challenges. The "Ecology of XXI Century" started as an international multidisciplinary academic conference in 2013.
The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.
The conference languages will be English and Romanian.

The selected research proposals/papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding Volume "Ecology of XXI Century" with ISSN.
The selected research proposals/papers from economics could be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (

Online conference access

The conference will be held online, hosted on Zoom Meetings, enabled by the organizer Ecological University of Bucharest.
Each presenter will do the presentation from their own computer (or other suitable device), while sharing their screen and talking, then discussing with the participants. At the presenter request, the Chair of the respective section could share the presentation. The meetings will be recorded.
The conference program, with the timetable of the presentations, will be available on this site after the conference registration period.
Please make sure that your laptop/computer/tablet/phone has a reliable Internet connection and a functioning microphone.

The details on how to access Zoom Meetings, how to share the screen with the presentation, and other aspects of the online conference, are available here:
1. Create a Zoom account.
      In order to connect to the conference, you need a Zoom account. It's free and easy to create:
2. Meeting Registration
      You must register with your name and email to announce your attendance at the conference and to receive by email the link to connect to the section you have chosen.
3. Connect to the conference
      At the date and time scheduled for the section you registered, you will connect by accessing the link received by email. Please note that the time in the conference program is expressed in the ESST time system (Bucharest Romania).
4. Share your presentation
      After establishing the online connection, at the moment you are invited to present, you will share your presentation with the other participants by activating the Share option and choosing the PPT or PDF presentation that you have previously opened on your computer / device.

Tips for a success presentation:
- be on time
- please keep the microphone on mute and open it only when you present or you want to have an intervention
- adjust your speaking accordingly, you have only 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions (in case you have to many slides, don't worry, all presentations will be posted on the website of the conference)

Call for Papers

Interested participants are invited to submit research papers. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected to a double blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s). All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published and they must not be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Conference Sections

Environmentalism: political and legal doctrine of the XXI Century
Conservation of natural and cultural heritage
Sustainable recovery and resilience of the Romanian economy in a global context
Unconventional Energy Sources Utilization
ECO-PSY 2022 - The psychological support of the population involved in co-creating changes in society's transformation for resilience to climate change
Ways to raise awareness of climate issues, identified in the Romanian media
Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission: 02 April 2022 (in the same time with registration)
Notification of acceptance: 03 April 2022
Presentation Submission (PDF/PPT): 03 April 2022 (by eMail:
Full Paper Submission: 31 May 2022 (by eMail:

Registration & Abstract Submission

Please register through this form, as participant (with presentation) or simple participant (without presentation).

Final Paper Submission:

      1. The final paper must be submitted until 31st of May 2022, using the template form provided. Final papers will be written in English. The total length of the paper should not exceed 15 pages.
      2. The template form of the Final Paper is available here: DOC (70k)

Publication Fees

No fee for the conference.
At participant's request, there is 60 lei (RON) fee or 15 Euro for EUB-2022 per Conference Proceedings Volume with ISSN or Journal with ISSN.
Each author can submit no more than two papers.

Bd.Vasile Milea nr.1G, Corp A - Sala 1.05, Sector 6, 061341, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 21 316 79 32 Fax: +40 21 316 63 37

EUB-2021 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century - The European Climate Pact"

EUB-2021 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century - The European Climate Pact" - Ecological University of Bucharest

29 March - 02 April 2021, Bucharest

Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, EUB2021 International Conference is organized as an ONLINE event.

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the 9th International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference (EUB 2021), which will will be held on from 29 March to 02 of April 2021 as an Online event, using ZOOM platform, with the organizer from Bucharest, Romania.
Over the past 31 years, The Ecological University of Bucharest has been in the ecological and higher education service, as the first private institution of higher education in Romania, founded on the 4th of April 1990 and the only one with an ecological profile in the country.
The main purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, professors and students from universities and research institutes to disseminate the original research findings that concentrate on both theory and practice, to exchange ideas and start new challenges. The "Ecology of XXI Century" started as an international multidisciplinary academic conference in 2013.
The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.
The conference languages will be English and Romanian.

The selected research proposals/papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding Volume "Ecology of XXI Century" with ISSN.
The selected research proposals/papers from economics could be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (


EUB 2021 Draft Programme

EUB 2021 Session Login Details on Zoom
29 March - 10:00-12:00 EEST
Plenary Session
Register in advance for this meeting:
29 March - 12:00 EEST
Parallel Sessions (I)
Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport)
Register in advance for this meeting:
30 March - 10:00 EEST
Parallel Sessions (II)
Tackling climate change: The image reflected by Romanian mass-media (Faculty of Communication Sciences)
Register in advance for this meeting:
31 March - 10:00 EEST
Parallel Sessions (III)
Environmentalism: political and legal doctrine of the XXI Century (Faculty of Law)
Register in advance for this meeting:
01 April - 12:00 EEST
Parallel Sessions (IV)
Ecopsychology and the European Climate Pact (Faculty of Psychology)
Register in advance for this meeting:

Link for second part, from 16:00 hour:
01 April - 16:00 EEST
Parallel Sessions (V)
Conservation of natural and cultural heritage (Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection)
Register in advance for this meeting:
02 April - 10:00 EEST
Parallel Sessions (VI)
Engineering use of unconventional and renewable resources in human activities for the climate impact reduction (Faculty of Management Engineering)
Register in advance for this meeting:
02 April - 12:00 EEST
Parallel Sessions (VII)
Investing in a climate future for the benefit of people (Faculty of Financial Management)
Register in advance for this meeting:

Online conference access

The conference will be held online, hosted on Zoom Meetings, enabled by the organizer Ecological University of Bucharest.
Each presenter will do the presentation from their own computer (or other suitable device), while sharing their screen and talking, then discussing with the participants. At the presenter request, the Chair of the respective section could share the presentation. The meetings will be recorded.
The conference program, with the timetable of the presentations, will be available on this site after the conference registration period.
Please make sure that your laptop/computer/tablet/phone has a reliable Internet connection and a functioning microphone.

The details on how to access Zoom Meetings, how to share the screen with the presentation, and other aspects of the online conference, are available here:
1. Create a Zoom account.
      In order to connect to the conference, you need a Zoom account. It's free and easy to create:
2. Meeting Registration
      You must register with your name and email to announce your attendance at the conference and to receive by email the link to connect to the section you have chosen.
3. Connect to the conference
      At the date and time scheduled for the section you registered, you will connect by accessing the link received by email. Please note that the time in the conference program is expressed in the ESST time system (Bucharest Romania).
4. Share your presentation
      After establishing the online connection, at the moment you are invited to present, you will share your presentation with the other participants by activating the Share option and choosing the PPT or PDF presentation that you have previously opened on your computer / device.

Tips for a success presentation:
- be on time
- please keep the microphone on mute and open it only when you present or you want to have an intervention
- adjust your speaking accordingly, you have only 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions (in case you have to many slides, don't worry, all presentations will be posted on the website of the conference)

Call for Papers

Interested participants are invited to submit research papers. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected to a double blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s). All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published and they must not be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Conference Sections

Environmentalism: political and legal doctrine of the XXI Century
Conservation of natural and cultural heritage
Engineering use of unconventional and renewable resources in human activities for the climate impact reduction
Investing in a climate future for the benefit of people
Ecopsychology and the European Climate Pact
Tackling climate change: The image reflected by Romanian mass-media
Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission: 27 March 2021 (in the same time with registration)
Notification of acceptance: 28 March 2021
Presentation Submission (PDF/PPT): 29 March 2021 (by eMail:
Full Paper Submission: 31 May 2021 (by eMail:

Registration & Abstract Submission

Please register through this form, as participant (with presentation) or simple participant (without presentation).

Plenary Session (ZOOM platform)

      29 March - 10:00-11:00 EEST

Sections' Sessions (ZOOM platform)

  • 29 March - 12:00 EEST - Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport)

  • 30 March - 10:00 EEST - Tackling climate change: The image reflected by Romanian mass-media (Faculty of Communication Sciences)

  • 31 March - 10:00 EEST - Environmentalism: political and legal doctrine of the XXI Century (Faculty of Law)

  • 01 April - 12:00 EEST - Ecopsychology and the European Climate Pact (Faculty of Psychology)

  • 02 April - 10:00 EEST - Engineering use of unconventional and renewable resources in human activities for the climate impact reduction (Faculty of Management Engineering)

  • 02 April - 12:00 EEST - Investing in a climate future for the benefit of people (Faculty of Financial Management)

Final Paper Submission:

      1. The final paper must be submitted until 31st of May 2021, using the template form provided. Final papers will be written in English. The total length of the paper should not exceed 15 pages.
      2. The template form of the Final Paper is available here: DOC (70k)

Publication Fees

No fee for the conference.
At participant's request, there is 60 lei (RON) fee or 15 Euro for EUB-2020 per Conference Proceedings Volume with ISSN or Journal with ISSN.
Each author can submit no more than two papers.

Bd.Vasile Milea nr.1G, Corp A - Sala 1.05, Sector 6, 061341, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 21 316 79 32 Fax: +40 21 316 63 37

EUB-2020 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century - The European Green Deal Challenges"

EUB-2020 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century - The European Green Deal Challenges" - Ecological University of Bucharest

13 - 15 May 2020, Bucharest

Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, EUB2020 International Conference has been rescheduled from 30 March - 03 April 2020, to 13-15 May 2020, as an ONLINE event.

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the 8th International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference (EUB 2020), which will will be held on from 13 to 15 of May 2020 as an Online event, using ZOOM platform, with the organizer from Bucharest, Romania.
Over the past 30 years, The Ecological University of Bucharest has been in the ecological and higher education service, as the first private institution of higher education in Romania, founded on the 4th of April 1990 and the only one with an ecological profile in the country.
The main purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, professors and students from universities and research institutes to disseminate the original research findings that concentrate on both theory and practice, to exchange ideas and start new challenges. The "Ecology of XXI Century" started as an international multidisciplinary academic conference in 2013.
The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.
The conference languages will be English and Romanian.

The abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceeding Volume with ISBN.
The selected research proposals/papers will be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (


EUB 2020 Programme

Download the book of abstracts: EUB 2020 Booklet

Online conference access

The conference will be held online, hosted on Zoom Meetings, enabled by the organizer Ecological University of Bucharest.
Each presenter will do the presentation from their own computer (or other suitable device), while sharing their screen and talking, then discussing with the participants. At the presenter request, the Chair of the respective section could share the presentation. The meetings will be recorded.
The conference program, with the timetable of the presentations, will be available on this site after the conference registration period, 12.May.2020.
Please make sure that your laptop/computer/tablet/phone has a reliable Internet connection and a functioning microphone.

The details on how to access Zoom Meetings, how to share the screen with the presentation, and other aspects of the online conference, are available here:
1. Create a Zoom account.
      In order to connect to the conference, you need a Zoom account. It's free and easy to create:
2. Meeting Registration
      On 12.May.2020 you will receive by email a Registration Link. You must register with your name and email to announce your attendance at the conference and to receive by email the link to connect to the section you have chosen.
3. Connect to the conference
      At the date and time scheduled for the section you registered, you will connect by accessing the link received by email. Please note that the time in the conference program is expressed in the ESST time system (Bucharest Romania).
4. Share your presentation
      After establishing the online connection, at the moment you are invited to present, you will share your presentation with the other participants by activating the Share option and choosing the PPT or PDF presentation that you have previously opened on your computer / device.

Tips for a success presentation:
- be on time
- please keep the microphone on mute and open it only when you present or you want to have an intervention
- adjust your speaking accordingly, you have only 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions (in case you have to many slides, don't worry, all presentations will be posted on the website of the conference)

Call for Papers

Interested participants are invited to submit research papers. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected to a double blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s). All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published and they must not be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Conference Sections

Environmentalism: political and legal doctrine of the XXI Century
Conservation of natural and cultural heritage
Renewable energy, industry, innovation and infrastructure
Climate-neutral economy
Psychology and Strategy of The European Green Deal
After the crisis: Communication trends and Carbon Capitalism
Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission: 11 May 2020 (in the same time with registration)
Notification of acceptance: 12 May 2020
Presentation Submission (PDF/PPT): 12 May 2020 (by eMail: eubconference2020 [at]
Full Paper Submission: 31 May 2020 (by eMail: eubconference2020 [at]

Registration & Abstract Submission

Please register through this form, as participant (with presentation) or simple participant (without presentation).

Plenary Session (ZOOM platform)

      14 May - 12:00-13:30 EEST

Sections' Sessions (ZOOM platform)

  • 13 May - 12:00-14:00 EEST - Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport)

  • 13 May - 14:00-16:00 EEST - After the crisis: Communication trends and Carbon Capitalism (Faculty of Communication Sciences)

  • 14 May - 14:00-16:00 EEST - Psychology and Strategy of The European Green Deal (Faculty of Psychology)

  • 14 May - 16:00-18:00 EEST - Environmentalism: political and legal doctrine of the XXI Century (Faculty of Law)

  • 15 May - 10:00-12:00 EEST - Renewable energy, industry, innovation and infrastructure (Faculty of Management Engineering)

  • 15 May - 13:00-15:00 EEST - Climate-neutral economy (Faculty of Financial Management)

  • 15 May - 15:00-17:00 EEST - Conservation of natural and cultural heritage (Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection)


EUB 2020 Programme

Download the book of abstracts: EUB 2020 Booklet

Final Paper Submission:

      1. The final paper must be submitted until 31st of May 2020, using the template form provided. Final papers will be written in English. The total length of the paper should not exceed 15 pages.
      2. The template form of the Final Paper is available here: DOC (70k)

Publication Fees

No fee for the conference.
At participant's request, there is 60 lei (RON) fee or 15 Euro for EUB-2020 per Conference Proceedings Volume with ISBN or Journal with ISSN.
Each author can submit no more than two papers.

eMail: eubconference2020 [at]
Bd.Vasile Milea nr.1G, Corp A - Sala 1.05, Sector 6, 061341, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 21 316 79 32 Fax: +40 21 316 63 37

EUB-2019 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century"

EUB-2019 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century" - Ecological University of Bucharest

April 1-4, 2019, Bucharest

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the International Conference, "Ecology of XXI Century", EUB-2019.

The main purpose of EUB-2019, organized by Ecological University of Bucharest is to provide an opportunity to national and international researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in social sciences and other related fields to provide an international forum for the dissemination of original research results which concentrate on both theory and practices.

The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.

The papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding Volume with ISBN. The conference language is English.

The selected research proposals/papers will be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (

Call for Papers

Interested participants are invited to submit research papers. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected to a double blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s). All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published and they must not be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Final Paper Submission:

      1. The final paper must be submitted until 30th of April 2019, using the template form provided. Final papers will be written in English. The total length of the paper should not exceed 15 pages.
      2. The template form of the Final Paper is available here: DOC (70k)

Conference Opening

      4th April 2019 - 10:00, building B, floor 1, Aula Magna

Conference Sections

Economics and Finance: Smart cities and villages as inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable human settlements
      1st April 2019 - 12:00, building A, floor 1, room 1.01
      Detailed programme: PDF (250k)
      Students session:
      1st April 2019 - 10:00, building A, floor 1, room 1.01

Engineering section: SMART CITY ENGINEERING
      4th April 2019 - 12:00, building A, floor 3, 3.07

Law and Administrative Sciences: Environmentalism - the Political and Legal Doctrine of the XXIst Century
      3rd April 2019 - 12:00, building C, floor 1, room AI.01
      Students session - Ingineria dezvoltarii durabile a asezarilor urbane:
      2nd April 2019 - 11:00, building C, floor 3, room 3.07

Psychological Sciences: ECO-PSY 2019 - Psihologia între provocarile si oportunitatile societatii contemporane
      4th April 2019 - 12:00, building C, floor 2, room AII.01

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission: March 22nd, 2019

Full Paper Submission: April 30th, 2019

Conference Date: April 1-4, 2019

Publication Fees At participant's request, there is 60 lei (RON) fee or 15 Euro for EUB-2019 Conference Volume with ISBN.

Each author can submit no more than two papers.

Bd.Vasile Milea nr.1G, Corp A - Sala 1.05, Sector 6, 061341, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 21 316 79 32 Fax: +40 21 316 63 37

EUB-2018 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century"

EUB-2018 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century" - Ecological University of Bucharest

April 2-4, 2018, Bucharest

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the International Conference, "Ecology of XXI Century", EUB-2018.

The main purpose of EUB-2018, organized by Ecological University of Bucharest is to provide an opportunity to national and international researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in social sciences and other related fields to provide an international forum for the dissemination of original research results which concentrate on both theory and practices.

The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.

The papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding Volume with ISBN. The conference language is English.

The selected research proposals/papers will be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (

Call for Papers

Interested participants are invited to submit research papers. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected to a double blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s). All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published and they must not be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Final Paper Submission:

      1. The final paper must be submitted until 30th of April 2018, using the template form provided. Final papers will be written in English. The total length of the paper should not exceed 15 pages.
      2. The template form of the Final Paper is available here: DOC (70k)

Conference Opening

      2nd April 2018 - 10:00, building B, floor 1, Aula Magna

Conference Sections

Economics and Business Administration: A Century of Economics
      2nd April 2018 - 12:00, building A, floor 1, room 1.01
      Detailed programme: PDF (250k)
      4th April 2018 - 10:00, building A, floor 1, room 1.01
      - Big Data and Internet of Things - Ciprian Alexandru
      - International Migration - Experimantal Research 2018 - Nicoleta Caragea
      - The potential human capital on the labor market - Ana-Maria Ciuhu, Doctorand SCOSAAR-Romanian Academy
      Students session:
      4th April 2018 - 13:00, building A, floor 1, room 1.01

Engineering section: Ingineria si Managementul Dezvoltarii Constructiilor Eficiente Energetic
      3rd April 2018 - 09:00, building B, floor 1, Aula Magna

Law and Administrative Sciences: Environmentalism - the Political and Legal Doctrine of the XXIst Century
      4th April 2018 - 12:00, building C, floor 1, room AI.01
      Students session - Rolul dreptului in dezvoltarea societatii:
      3rd April 2018 - 10:00, building C, floor 3, room 3.3

Natural Sciences and Ecology: Conservation of natural and cultural heritage
      2nd April 2018 - 12:00, building A, floor 2, room 2.01
      Detailed programme: PDF (180k)

Psychological Sciences: ECO-PSY 2018 - Psihologia la Universitatea Ecologica din Bucuresti in anul Aniversarii Centenarului Marii Uniri
      2nd April 2018 - 12:00, building C, floor 2, room AII.01
      Detailed programme: PDF (500k)
      Workshop - Optimizarea relatiei munca - formare academica - familie. Managementul eficient al stresului si timpului:
      3rd April 2018 - 12:00, building C, floor 2, room AII.01

Public Relation and Communication Sciences: Aspects of Communication in the Digital Era
      2nd April 2018 - 12:00, building A, floor 3, room 3.08

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission: March 20th, 2018

Full Paper Submission: April 30th, 2018

Conference Date: April 2-4, 2018

Publication Fees At participant's request, there is 60 lei (RON) fee or 15 Euro for EUB-2018 Conference Volume with ISBN.

Each author can submit no more than two papers.

Bd.Vasile Milea nr.1G, Corp A - Sala 1.05, Sector 6, 061341, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 21 316 79 32 Fax: +40 21 316 63 37

EUB-2017 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century"

EUB-2017 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century" - Ecological University of Bucharest

April 3-7, 2017, Bucharest

Conference Programme

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the International Conference, "Ecology of XXI Century - Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", EUB-2017.

The main purpose of EUB-2017, organized by Ecological University of Bucharest is to provide an opportunity to national and international researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in social sciences and other related fields to provide an international forum for the dissemination of original research results which concentrate on both theory and practices.

The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.

The papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding Volume with ISBN. The conference language is English.

The selected research proposals/papers will be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (

Invitation Letter

Call for Papers

Interested participants are invited to submit research papers. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution. Each paper will be subjected to a double blind peer review. Summary of review feedback/reports will be sent back to the author(s). All comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission. Papers must not have been previously published and they must not be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Final Paper Submission:

      1. The final paper must be submitted using the template form provided. Final papers will be written in English. The total length of the paper should not exceed 15 pages.
      2. The template form of the Final Paper is available here: DOC (70k)

Conference Sections

Economics and Business Administration
      4th April 2017 - 12:00, building A, floor 1, room 1.01

Engineering section: New Trends in Bussines Engineering
      4th April 2017 - 12:00, building A, floor 3, room 3.07

Law and Administrative Sciences: Environmentalism - the Political and Legal Doctrine of the XXIst Century
      7th April 2017 - 10:00, building C, floor 1, room AI.01

Natural Sciences and Ecology: Ecology - a sustainable development asset
      4th April 2017 - 10:00, building A, floor 2, room 2.01

Physical Training and Sport

Psychological Sciences

Public Relation and Communication Sciences: Communication in the XXI Century. Online Communicaton: Social Bost or Involution?
      4th April 2017 - 10:00, building A, floor 3, room 3.01

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission: March 15th, 2017

Full Paper Submission: March 31st, 2017

Conference Date: April 3-7, 2017

Publication Fees At participant's request, there is 60 lei (RON) fee or 15 Euro for EUB-2017 Conference Volume with ISBN.

Each author can submit no more than two papers.

Bd.Vasile Milea nr.1G, Corp A - Sala 1.05, Sector 6, 061341, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 21 316 79 32 Fax: +40 21 316 63 37

EUB-2016 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century"

EUB-2016 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century" - Ecological University of Bucharest

April 4-8, 2016, Bucharest

Conference Programme

The Ecological University of Bucharest is pleased to invite you to the International Conference, "Ecology of XXI Century", EUB-2016.

The main purpose of EUB-2016, organized by Ecological University of Bucharest is to provide an opportunity to national and international researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in social sciences and other related fields to provide an international forum for the dissemination of original research results which concentrate on both theory and practices.

The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.

The papers will be published in the e-Book and also in the Conference Proceeding Volume with ISBN. The conference language is English.

The selected research proposals/papers will be published in a special issue by the Eco-Economics Review, ISSN 2457-9076:, indexed in RePEc (

Invitation Letter

EUB-2015 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century"

EUB-2015 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century" - Ecological University of Bucharest

30 March - 3 April, 2015

You are cordially invited to join us at the 2015 anniversary edition of the Ecological University of Bucharest International Conference.

The overall theme of the conference will cover diverse topics from cutting-edge of economics and environment, social and other related research fields.

The conference program will consist of high-profile plenary/keynote lectures, invited speakers, workshops and special sessions.

The papers presented in the frame of the conference will be published in the e-Book and also in the Conference Proceeding Volume with ISBN.

This prestigious event will be part of the anniversary week during 30 March - 3 April, 2015.

EUB-2014 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century – Scientific research and environmental education"

EUB-2014 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century – Scientific research and environmental education" - Ecological University of Bucharest

EUB-2013 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century"

EUB-2013 International Conference - "Ecology of XXI Century" - Ecological University of Bucharest

Conferinta Nationala SMART Cluster-Zero ENERGY - 13 Noiembrie 2018

Conferinta Ingineria si Managementul Dezvoltarii Constructiilor Eficiente Energetic 3 Aprilie 2018

Workshop Sustenabilitate si Eficienta Energetica 29 Iunie 2017


Manifestari stiintifice

In ultimii ani, s-au organizat de catre Universitatea Ecologica din Bucuresti urmatoarele manifestari cu participare internationala:
- Finantarea dezvoltarii regionale, in colaborare cu Academia Romana, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania, Academia de Studii Economice din Chisinau;
- Gestionarea si utilizarea durabila a apelor dulci. Noi aspecte in dreptul international, national si comparat, in colaborarea cu Agentia universitara francofona, Reteaua de Dreptul mediului
- Impactul dreptului comunitar al mediului asupra legislatiei interne a statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene. Experienta Frantei si Romaniei - in cooperare cu Universitatea din Limoges, Franta;
- Transpunerea in dreptul intern a directivei-cadru privind apa - cazurile Spaniei si Romaniei, seminar bilateral romano-spaniol in colaborare cu Universitatea din Zaragoza;
- Seminarul "Litigii de mediu pentru Rosia Montana";
- Romania si schimbarile climatice, in colaborare cu Comisia de Ecologie a Academiei Romane ;
- Eficienta legislatiei pentru protectia mediului, in colaborare cu Institutul de cercetari juridice al Academiei Romane ;
- Protocolul de la Kyoto - evaluari si perspective, in colaborare cu Asociatia Romana de Drept al mediului.
- Gazele de sist - probleme ecologice, oportunitati economice.

Anual, Universitatea organizeaza manifestari prilejuite de Ziua mondiala a mediului.

Universitatea este unul din organizatorii principali ai Conferintei Europene "E-COMM-LINE", care a ajuns la a VIII-a editie, sprijinita de Comisia Europeana prin Programul Leonardo da Vinci si de The European e Business Support Network. De asemenea, universitatea se numara printre fondatorii Conferintei Europene "H2-FUELL-CELLS-MILLENIUM-CONVERGENCE", care se gaseste anul acesta la a cincea editie, alaturi de Academia Romana, Academia de Studii Economice, Universitatea Tehnica din Bucuresti si alte institutii prestigioase de cercetare stiintifica din tara si europene.

Anual, in fiecare facultate, se organizeaza sesiuni de comunicarii stiintifice ale cadrelor didactice si studentilor, cu participare nationala sau internationala. O parte din cadrele didactice au participat cu comunicari la sesiuni stiintifice organizate de alte institutii: Ministerul Mediului, Academia Romana, institute de cercetare si/sau institutii de invatamant superior din tara si/sau din strainatate.